Property Owners enjoy full privileges of our private lakes, parks, golf courses and rivers at prices that are much lower than average.
The opportunity you are being offered today is to own a piece of these Ozark communities – a residential tract — and take part in The American Dream. Here are a couple of secrets we’d like to share to help you understand the offer:
Best Kept Secret Revealed:
When you gaze over a historical perspective, you suspect that the secret of the Ozarks has been too well-kept. We’re in the process of changing that with the Internet offering increased visibility to the rest of the world. Let’s look at two pieces of the change process: 1 the individuals who buy here and 2 how parcels exchange hands.
1 When we look at how individuals have discovered “The Gem of the Ozarks,” we see it has maintained a steady population with a surprisingly equal number of individuals coming as going. Our community directory shows where folks come from and slightly more than 20% of current residents are native Arkansans, 40% are from the Midwest, most typically Illinois, with the rest spread through the remainder of the country. At American Land Company we can see that the greatest increase in recent years is from outside the US and from internet exposure. Since the area was developed as a perfect place to retire, most of those leaving left from natural causes. And most of those who replaced them were family and friends who were introduced firsthand to the natural beauty and simple lifestyles here. Today’s new buyer, however, more typically finds us on the Internet, compares us in the virtual world, and recognizes this as a unique opportunity.
2 When you look at how lots changed hands you see that many that originally sold in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, were picked up by individuals who would hold onto them without ever building on the property. They would pass on to children who never had time to pick up on their parent’s dreams. Larger tracts were absorbed by land speculators and investors. Thousands of lots exchanged hands over the years, were tied up without development and eventually returned to the cities. Since these natural woodlands add rustic charm, and protect the towns from overdevelopment, there was no reason to be concerned.
In today’s tough economic climate, however, these towns are under pressure to increase revenues without stressing residents. That is why American Land Co. has been granted right to sell the land at prices that are similar to what they originally sold for. This offers tremendous opportunities for the savvy investor.
The land that we’re offering appeals to investors who want to hold title to actual land parcels and to purchase at a time when prices are at historic lows and the nation is on the verge of change.
Savvy investing isn’t that complicated. It’s about paying attention to the world around us and seizing opportunities that make sense to us. You don’t have to be a genius to know that land prices are going to escalate when the building climate returns. We are all aware that hundreds of thousands of Americans are being displaced from their homes during the mortgage crisis. We know that cities are in the midst of their own budget crisis, that they’re raising taxes beyond what many owners can afford. Boomers are aging, retiring at phenomenal rates and deserve a place to enjoy the rest of their lives in active and vibrant community settings. Where can America turn?
Who Buys Land in the Ozarks? In this next section, we’ll introduce you to some buyers who have figured out how to take advantage of the Secret of the Ozarks to make their dreams come true.